Do Babies Really Need To Follow A Schedule?

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I’m the type of person that needs a set schedule.  What’s not to like about them?  They reduce wasted time, develop discipline, refine habits, make you feel better and help you reach your goals.1
Seriously, every person should have some sort of schedule that they follow.  But, can they have the same benefits for kids?  How about babies?  Do babies need to follow a schedule?

Yes, babies really need to follow a schedule.  Studies have shown that babies on a schedule have better sleep patterns than babies where no scheduling was tried.  So, try placing your baby on a schedule if you want to have a better chance of them sleeping through the night.

What’s a Baby Schedule?

But, what are we talking about here?  Won’t a baby cry when they want to cry, eat when they want to eat and sleep whenever they feel like it?  Well yes, they will.  I mean they are in fact babies.  But, we (as adults) can help nudge them in the direction that we would like them to go.  Now I’m not talking about being a strict drill Seargent.  But, there are ways we can influence when our baby eats and for how long they sleep.

We can wake them up at certain times, feed them at certain times and get them to sleep at certain times.  And, we can do these things so that they line up with when we would sleep.  The ultimate goal of doing this is to get them on a sleep pattern where you can get some sleep on your own.  It’s not going to be easy.  But, It’s well worth the time invested.

When Should I Start Putting My Baby In A Routine?

In your baby’s first couple of weeks… all they will do is eat sleep and cry.  And, there is nothing wrong with that.  It’s natural.  This is the time where you let your baby do exactly what they want to do.  You just have to make sure that they are fed when they are hungry, clean when they go potty and help them sleep when they are sleepy.  It’s your job to be aware if they are eating and sleeping normally.  And, bring up any concerns with your pediatrician.

Your baby will grow astonishingly fast at the beginning.  So, you will be able to start putting your baby in a routine at about six to eight weeks of age.  This is the time when your baby starts giving clues on what they want and when they want it.  It is also the age where they will appreciate the predictability that a set routine will bring.

How Important Is A Schedule For A Baby?

Your baby must follow some sort of schedule.  Following a consistent routine will help them establish their circadian rhythm (internal body clock).  A circadian rhythm is a natural, internal system that’s designed to regulate feelings of sleepiness and wakefulness over 24 hours .2 Establishing a circadian rhythm will also help your baby with their day-to-day tasks such as:

  • Being able to take naps during the day and still sleep well through the night.
  • Have the ability to eat full meals during the day.
  • Have regular bowel movements.
  • Be active and healthy during the day.

Do Babies Really Need A Schedule?

Do Babies Need Strict Routine?

No, you don’t have to follow a strict routine to see the benefits of a baby schedule.  There will always be times where you’ll have to deviate from the plan.  But, that’s just life.  So, if your baby is hungry and it’s an hour until lunchtime… feed them.  If your baby is yawning but they already took a nap… let them take another one.  The point is to try and have them follow a general guideline.  So, follow the schedule as much as possible but allow for life to get in the way.

Do Babies Thrive On Routine?

Yes, babies thrive on a routine.  Wouldn’t you?  But, don’t take my word for it.  A study of breastfed babies has shown that following a simple two-step routine resulted in a huge improvement in sleep in the first two months.

The first step was to feed the baby between 10 p.m. and midnight.  The second step was to hold the baby for a few minutes (or change their diaper) if they cry.  100% of the babies were sleeping for at least five hours after following this schedule for only three weeks.  In comparison, only 23% of the babies were sleeping for at least five hours when they didn’t follow this schedule.3

We followed this schedule with both of our daughters (Kenzie and Kayla) and I can confirm that this does indeed work.  It takes a few weeks.  And, those weeks might feel like an eternity since you’re hardly getting any sleep.  But, follow this routine and they will sleep through the night eventually.

Tips For A Successful Baby Schedule

  1. Don’t Wait – Don’t wait too long after your baby reaches six to eight weeks old.  This is the perfect time for you to start implementing sleep, eating, bath time, etc. routines.  It might take some time for your child to catch on.  But, children can (and will) adapt fairly quickly.  So, don’t underestimate their abilities.
  2. Pay Attention – Pay attention and you’ll probably notice that your child is already establishing routines on their own.  They might want to eat or take a nap at a certain time every day.  This is the perfect time for you to reinforce their routines with a consistent schedule.  Just remember to work with what works for them.
  3. Be Consistent – Life happens.  There will be times where you won’t be able to stick with the baby schedule.  This will be especially true when it comes to holidays or other special events.  I already told you how my angel becomes an overtired baby every Christmas.  Just try to make these exceptions to the norm.  Try to be as consistent as possible.  The more consistent you are the easier it will be for your child to follow your lead.
  4. Think Ahead – Keep your child’s routine in mind when you plan things out.  For example, don’t schedule their next doctor’s appointment during the time they typically sleep.  Doing so will only result in a cranky baby and a frustrated parent.  I know I said life happens but, try to keep your baby’s schedule on track as much as possible.
  5. Put It On Paper – You should try writing down your baby’s schedule on a piece of paper or better yet, on the chalkboard.  Doing so will make it easier for you to follow the routine.  Even better,  it will provide a roadmap for other people (like the babysitter) to follow the routine in your absence.
  6. Baby Knows Best – As much as you want to follow the schedule you’ve planned out… your baby knows best.  If your baby is hungry but it’s an hour until their lunchtime… follow their lead.  Like I said before, you’re not trying to be a drill sergeant.  You’re just trying to nudge them in the right direction.  So, sometime you’ll have to deviate from the plan.
  7. Have Fun – Just because you want your baby to follow a routine… that doesn’t mean everything has to be by the book.  Sometimes you just have to throw everything out of the window and just have fun.  Make sure to take the time to enjoy your little one.  Always make time to cuddle, play games, sing songs or read a book.

By Grace – Child Development Associate Teacher in California

My husband Mark and I have been blessed with two beautiful, smart, positive (I can go on and on) girls… Kenzie & Kayla.  And, we have learned many tips and tricks while raising them.  Tips and tricks that we felt would be useful to other new parents out there.  So, we started WAYISAVE as a website built by parents for parents to share the best baby deals, coupons, tips, tricks and the occasional piece of advice.

  1. | 5 Reasons To Keep A Consistent Schedule
  2. | Circadian Rhythm Body Clock
  3. | Help Me Make It Through The Night: Behavioral Entrainment Of Breastfed Infants’ Sleep Patterns

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