Baby Carrier: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

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I remember the look on his face when I told my husband Mark that we should get a baby carrier.  It was him pondering if we should get one or if we should eat for the week.  Then he pulled out his phone as he searched “Do I Need A Baby Carrier?”  As if that would give him any assurances on not getting one.  We ended up compromising and purchased an affordable one in the end.  Because let’s be real.  Baby carriers can be expensive.  And, they are not a necessity.  So, do you need a baby carrier?

No, you don’t really need to buy a baby carrier.  But, you would be missing out on all the benefits that they bring to the table.  Here’s a list (off the top of my head) of the 5 best reasons you should carry your baby.

5 Reasons Why You Need A Baby Carrier

1. It’s Like A Hands-free Hug.

What’s better than being able to hug your baby for as long as you want while still being able to do things?  Anybody?  Well, that’s essentially what a baby carrier allows you to do.  You can strap your baby on and they are as close to you as they can get.  Like really, really close.  This means that if they eat… you’ll get crumbs down your shirt.  And, there will be countless times where they will squeeze you while repeating “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.”  Or better yet, you’ll inevitably get a cut lip or scratched face just because they felt like testing how sharp their nails are.  But hey, that’s our fault since we didn’t take the time to cut them right?

But, even with all these possibilities, I’ll be honest and say that I wouldn’t trade babywearing for anything.  You get to cuddle with your baby for as long as you want.  Isn’t that what any new mother or father would want to do with their child?  Better yet, there have been countless studies that show that babies thrive when given lots of opportunity for cuddling.  And you can’t cuddle any closer than babywearing.  It’s a win for the parents and a win for the baby.

2. A Baby Carrier Can Foster Communication.

And, when you have a baby strapped to your chest, you can talk to them all the time.  I would take long walks around the neighborhood with my daughter Mackenzie.  And, I would find myself talking about everything: look at that lizard, there’s a red car, that’s a loud dog.  At first, she would just coo.  Over time she would repeat things that I’ve said.  Eventually, we found ourselves having a conversation.  Amazing.  That’s just not something you would be able to experience without a baby carrier.  I take that back.  I guess you could if you had the strongest arms in the world.

3. They Allow You To Accomplish Things.

That leads me right into the third reason why you need a baby carrier… they allow you to accomplish things.  Just as it would have been very uncomfortable for Mackenzie and me to walk around the neighborhood for an hour while I carry her… it’s just as uncomfortable to carry her while trying to accomplish daily tasks.  But, babywearing allowed me to work while carrying her.  Better yet, it allowed me to cook, clean, wash bottles, fold clothes and many many many other things while carrying her.  I was finally able to do things again.  I was even able to do things being fully aware that my baby is safe.  And, since I was able to do things while holding her… it made me appreciate holding her close to me even more.

4. Babies Are Happier In A Baby Carrier.

What would have been the alternative?  I would have placed Kenzie down in her playpen or crib.  Which was usually across the room from what I was trying to do.  Then I would rush and try to do what I needed to do.  All the while looking over to make sure that she is safe.  Then a few minutes later she would start crying.  So, I would have to stop what I was doing to go see up close what was happening.  I would try to get her to stop crying.  When she finally stopped crying I would then repeat the process all over again.

You’ll find that babies are happier with a baby carrier.  Studies have even shown that babies cry and fuss less the more that they are held1.  So, if you would rather not have your baby cry for hours each day… the fact that babies are happier in a baby carrier is enough of a reason for why you need a baby carrier.

Do I Need A Baby Carrier? No (But You're Missing Out)

5. Baby Carriers Are Great For Traveling.

Traveling with a baby is hard.  You’ll make sure that you pack every baby item you think is essential.  Then you’ll double and triple check.  So, you’ll end up trying to pack your stuff along with 5 luggage worth of baby stuff into the car.  Then at the last second, you’ll test if you can somehow fit the stroller.  Hey, you can never be too prepared right?

But, babywearing not only allows you to skip the stroller.  It will allow you to go to places where a stroller wouldn’t let you.  Imagine trying to push a stroller up a hiking trail with a scenic view of a lake with picturesque mountains in the background.  That’s just not happening with a stroller.  With a baby carrier, not only would you be able to go to places like this with your baby… you’ll be able to keep your hands free at the same time.

BONUS. Babywearing Is Healthy.

I know I said that this list is five reasons long.  But, it would be remiss of me if I didn’t mention that babywearing is healthy.  I mean very, very healthy.  It is essentially carrying an extra 10 to 30 pounds while doing everything that you do all day every day.  That burns a lot of calories.  And, if you want to kick it up a notch… try babywearing while exercising which is the best thing ever.  So, you can skip the weights and hold your baby.  I know which option I prefer.

I hope I helped you decide if you need a baby carrier or not.  Like I said in the beginning… they are expensive and they aren’t a necessity.  But, they will provide you with so many benefits that make them worth every penny.  So, if you’re on board and want to pick one up… don’t forget to check out our Gear & Travel section to see if we posted any recent baby carrier deals.

By Grace – Child Development Associate Teacher in California

My husband Mark and I have been blessed with two beautiful, smart, positive (I can go on and on) girls… Kenzie & Kayla.  And, we have learned many tips and tricks while raising them.  Tips and tricks that we felt would be useful to other new parents out there.  So, we started WAYISAVE as a website built by parents for parents to share the best baby deals, coupons, tips, tricks and the occasional piece of advice.


  1. Attachment Parenting: Instinctive Care for Your Baby and Young Child by Katie Allison Granju

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