Is A Toddler Bed Worth It? Or, A Waste Of Time?

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Your little one is starting to get too big for their crib.  Maybe you’ve even caught them doing their best impression of Spiderman while climbing over the rails.  This can’t be safe right?  So, where are they going to sleep now?  Should you buy a twin size bed?  Should you just put a baby mattress on the floor?  Is there such a thing as a toddler-sized bed?  You end up googling “toddler bed” and you see endless possibilities that cost anywhere from $50 all the way up to a couple of hundred dollars. It seems like a good idea.  But, is a toddler bed worth it?

From my experience, a toddler bed is not worth it since your child will outgrow it fairly quickly.  And, there are better options (at the same price point) that would last a lot longer.  For example, a twin-sized daybed with bed rails installed.  But, they do have their benefits. So, there are times when you might want to consider getting a toddler bed.

What Is A Toddler Bed?

A toddler bed is exactly what its name implies, it’s a bed that’s designed specifically for toddlers.  They use the same sized mattress as you would use in a baby crib.  And, they are specifically designed to sit lower to the ground.  They are designed this way so that it’s easier for your child to get in safely or to get out without any problems.  Additionally, being lower to the ground ensures that your child won’t hurt themselves if they fall out of it.

Parents end up buying them because there comes an age when their baby can (and will) try to escape their crib.  This typically happens between one and two years old.  It’s not hard to imagine why a toddler climbing over the rails of their crib is dangerous.  All it takes is one slip and your toddler can fall towards the floor.  With a toddler bed, the danger of falling is minimized.

What Age Is A Toddler Bed For?

There isn’t any set time when you have to replace your baby’s crib with a regular (or toddler bed).  This highly depends on your child.  There are some children who try to escape their crib as soon as they can stand.  While some seem to stay content in their crib for a long time.  There are some children who prefer to sleep in their cribs.  And, it seems like there’s an equal amount who hate it.  So, you’ll have to judge for yourself when it is the best time to transition your toddler into new sleeping arrangements.

But, most children make the switch to a toddler bed sometime between one and a half to three years of age.  You might be better off waiting until your toddler is three years old since most toddlers won’t be ready for their own bed until then.

Benefits Of Toddler Beds

I’ll admit that there are plenty of positive benefits of toddler beds even though I’ve already said that I don’t think they are worth it.  But, just because I don’t think they are worth it… that doesn’t mean that you would too.  In fact, some of these benefits might be enough for you to consider getting one for your own toddler.

  1. They are designed specifically for toddlers.  This means that all of their dimensions match the abilities of your little one.  They are low enough to the ground that your child won’t struggle to get in or out of it.  And, they usually have safety features like bed rails that are built-in.  So, your child will be less likely to fall out of their bed.  But, they are lower to the ground if they do fall out.  So, the danger of them falling is minimized.
  2. Since they use the same size mattress as a crib, they take up less space.  This means that you can easily fit them in any room where space is at a premium.  This also means that since the bed is so small, there will be more floor space to play with.
  3. They are easier to clean.  If you’ve changed the sheets on a crib, you know how easy it is to change the sheets on a toddler bed.  There’s no difference.  Now compare that to changing the sheets on a full-sized mattress.  There’s a big difference.  A small mattress is just way easier to clean.
  4. They will spark your child’s imagination.  What’s great about them is that they come in so many different themes.  They can be cars, planes, boats, castles, and so much more.  Can you think of a better way to foster your child’s imagination?

Sleeping In The New Bed” by Liza is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Toddler Bed Vs Mattress On The Floor

It might just be me trying to find ways to save money.  But, I don’t see any difference between buying a toddler bed and just placing the baby mattress from your crib on the floor.  Sure, having a mattress sitting on the floor might not be the most attractive option.  But, if being close to the floor is safer for your toddler, being on the floor is as safe as you can get.

So, if your the kind of person who prefers form over function… consider skipping the toddler bed altogether and just place your baby mattress directly on the floor.  Not only will you save money, but you’ll also provide your child with a safer environment for them to sleep.

What’s The Difference Between A Toddler Bed And A Single Bed?

A bed is a bed, right? Well yes, but… there are some differences between a toddler bed and a regular single bed.  A toddler bed uses the same sized mattress as you would use in a crib.  So, it typically has the same footprint as a crib.  They are usually lower to the ground so that it’s easier for your toddler to enter and exit them safely.  But, as with everything in life, there are exceptions that break these rules.

A single (or twin sized) bed uses a regular-sized mattress that is big enough for an adult to sleep in.  And, they are matched with bed frames that are designed for adults to use.  This means that they are taller and they lack safety features like bed rails.

Toddler Bed Vs Twin Sized Bed

If your going to spend anywhere from $50 to a few hundred dollars on a toddler bed… why not take that money and purchase a twin-sized bed instead?  It will probably cost the same amount of money.  The toddler bed will probably last until your child outgrows it when they are approximately 5 years old.  The twin-sized bed can technically last until your child is an adult.  But, most mattresses only lasts for approximately ten years.  Still, ten years of use is great considering it will only cost a few hundred dollars.

Even though a twin-sized bed will last a lot longer, they do have their own issues.  The main issue is that your toddler can roll off it fairly easily.  Luckily, this issue can easily be solved by using aftermarket bed rails (Amazon Link).

Are They A Waste Of Time?

Saying that a toddler bed is a waste of time might be taking it too far.  They have their fair share of positive benefits.  I’m not going to lie… if my parents bought me a fire red racecar bed when I was a toddler, I would have thought I won the lottery.  But, they can be quite expensive.  And, you’ll probably only get about 2-3 years of use out of it before your toddler outgrows them.  So, if you can get one dirt cheap, sure why not.  But, if you’re going to pay full price for a toddler bed, you might consider skipping them altogether and opt for a twin-sized bed.  This way, your toddler can use their new bed for at least ten years before the mattress would have to be replaced.

By Grace – Child Development Associate Teacher in California

My husband Mark and I have been blessed with two beautiful, smart, positive (I can go on and on) girls… Kenzie & Kayla.  And, we have learned many tips and tricks while raising them.  Tips and tricks that we felt would be useful to other new parents out there.  So, we started WAYISAVE as a website built by parents for parents to share the best baby deals, coupons, tips, tricks and the occasional piece of advice.

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